Basic things to keep in mind in Financial Planning

# Set the financial goals of your life that you want to fulfill over the years,

# Determine the time frame of each financial objective. 

# Divide each financial objective into short, medium, and long-term goals segments. 

# Determine your risk appetite and asset allocation between equity and debt asset classes keeping the time horizon of these financial objectives in mind. 

# Choose the right financial instruments from these two asset classes keeping your risk capacity into consideration.

# Whatever be the market level of the market, Continue investing to build long-term wealth. Never try to TIME the market as it is next to impossible.

# It is always better to participate in the market all the time as we never know when we may experience the bear or bull rally. 

# An annual review of the portfolio is an important activity to check whether we are on track. 

# Rebalancing of the portfolio needs to be done according to the predecided asset allocation.

# Rebalancing keeps our investment in line with the next year’s investment asset allocation and balances our risk in a portfolio. Rebalancing can be done in two ways. First by partial profit booking from performing asset class and secondly from investing more in the non-performing asset class. 

# Which method to choose for the rebalancing depends on your conviction and your investment strategy.

# Rebalancing allows your asset allocation to be distributed and maintained till you achieve your financial goals.

# But frequent churning of the portfolio according to market levels is neither required nor recommended. 

# Do not fall prey to fraudulent Ponzi schemes in the greed of some extra return.

# Invest only in the Government-approved schemes that are being regulated by the Government agencies.

# There are no easy ways and shortcuts to SUCCESS and WEALTH CREATION. Always keep this in mind.

# Keep your life as well as your personal finances as simple as possible by choosing only those financial products which you understand.

# Financial planning is for mental peace, not sleepless nights.

Categories: Others
Preeti Zende: